Experimental Investigation of Soot Production and Oxidation in a Lab-Scale Rich–Quench–Lean (RQL) Burner

This research investigates soot emissions in swirl-stabilized, turbulent, non-premixed ethylene–air flames at atmospheric pressure. The study focuses on how varying the velocity and location of the dilution air jets affects soot production, with a constant global equivalence ratio at 0.3. The findings reveal that dilution air effectively mitigates soot formation, reduces fuel penetration lengths, and […]
CH3 Imaging via Photo-Fragmentation Combined with CH Planar Laser-Induced Fluorescence Employing C–X (0,0) Band Excitation and Detection

This research demonstrates advanced imaging techniques for the methyl (CH3) radical using a single-shot approach with a laser system. By harnessing CH3 photo-fragmentation and CH detection, it reveals insights into flame diagnostics across various conditions, such as premixed laminar and turbulent flames, and a methane lifted jet diffusion flame. The proposed method offers the versatility […]
Structure and Stabilization Mechanisms of an Ethylene-Air Flame in Supersonic Co-Flow

This study investigates the structure and stabilization of a recirculation-stabilized ethylene-air flame in a supersonic co-flow. It involves combustion science and aims to understand the roles of fuel jet momentum and flame dynamics in maintaining combustion stability. The researchers employed OH Planar Laser-Induced Fluorescence (PLIF) and high-speed chemiluminescence imaging to capture flame dynamics. The focal […]