Experimental Investigation of Soot Production and Oxidation in a Lab-Scale Rich–Quench–Lean (RQL) Burner

Experimental Investigation of Soot Production and Oxidation in a Lab-Scale Rich–Quench–Lean (RQL) Burner

This research investigates soot emissions in swirl-stabilized, turbulent, non-premixed ethylene–air flames at atmospheric pressure. The study focuses on how varying the velocity and location of the dilution air jets affects soot production, with a constant global equivalence ratio at 0.3. The findings reveal that dilution air effectively mitigates soot formation, reduces fuel penetration lengths, and increases velocities within the central recirculation zone (CRZ). Notably, this experiment provides valuable data for validating turbulent combustion models for soot.

The research utilized Cercolens products, which significantly enhanced the precision of the laser diagnostics. Specifically, Cercolens UV lenses were employed for capturing high-resolution images in the UV spectrum, crucial for analyzing the PLIF and LII diagnostics. These lenses facilitated the accurate detection of OH, PAH, and soot particle imaging.

To learn more about the study, read the full article. Explore the Cercolens UV 100 mm lens used in this research.

El Helou, I., Skiba, A.W. & Mastorakos, E. Experimental Investigation of Soot Production and Oxidation in a Lab-Scale Rich–Quench–Lean (RQL) Burner. Flow Turbulence Combust 106, 1019–1041 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10494-020-00113-5

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